FUNraiser to raise money for the 100 WOMEN DBA scholarships:
Monday, June 27 at 7PM
JIMBO MATHUS on the Tin Shed porch

A Blues Chronicle, a performance with marionettes that tells the 100 year history of the 100 Men Hall debuts Wednesday, June 29 at 7PM inside the 100 Men Hall. (Note: earlier we sent out a notice that the performance would be outside. It will be inside the Hall.)
There will be a cash bar serving refreshments and popcorn for the performance. We are so grateful to the members of Coast Electric whose round up grant has enabled us to host this wonderful program to celebrate, commemorate and educate about the 100 Years of the 100 Men Hall! Marionette pictured here by student Jardyn Forte |
Rachel Dangermond
100 Men Hall
303 Union Street, BSL, MS 39520
100 Men Hall
303 Union Street, BSL, MS 39520