Rachel Dangermond
Cell: 415.336.9543
100 Men Hall Celebrates Black History Month with a Film Festival
Bay Saint Louis, MS – The 100 Men Hall will host a film festival to celebrate
Black History month, featuring three different films on race in America.
Join us for one, two or watch all three films that look at race in America from a
different angle. You are invited to stay after the film for a group discussion. Open
to the public.
The 100 Man Hall’s mission is to promote and preserve the hall, a centuries’ old
nexus of social justice and artistic expression for a population historically
denied access to both, in the Jim Crow South. Today, the Hall fosters civic
participation in a variety of causes to promote the greater common good,
supporting community activities that move us and the dialogue on race and
equity further along.
Feb 19 – 7PM Traces of the Trade: Stories from the deep North
Feb 20 – 7PM Slavery by Another Name
Feb 21 – 7PM 13th