Ground Zero Blues Club
Clarksdale, MS
Live music weekly, Wed thru Sat — including WEEKLY THURSDAY BLUES JAM NIGHTS!
(8pm weeknights; 9pm weekends):
12/1 Heavy Suga and The SweeTones
12/2 Terry Wall and The Wall bangers
12/3 Deak Harp
12/7 TBA
12/8 Steve Kolbus
12/9 The Kruise Kontrol
12/10 Dark Water
12/14 Deak Harp
12/15 Kingfish
12/16 Heavy Suga and The SweeTones
12/17 Lucious Spiller
12/21 Heavy Suga and The SweeTones
12/22 TBA
12/23 TBA
12/24 (stay tuned)
12/28 Steve Kolbuse
12/29 Deak Harp
12/30 Lala
Sat., 12/31 Heavy Suga and The SweeTones open up for NEW YEAR’S EVE headliner Super Chikan and The Fighting Cocks!