Willing to help keep others safe? Then… a smaller, smarter JUKE JOINT FESTIVAL 2021 is “on”!
Your favorite festival returns to your second home — Clarksdale, Mississippi — the long weekend of April 15-18 in 2021 (with main events that Saturday the 17th). BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP.
If y’all are willing to properly mask up (indoors and out, even between bites and sips), socially-distance at all times, hand sanitize often, go through an occasional temperature check and agree to stay home if you’re sick… then plan now to attend this year’s smaller, socially-distanced, more outdoors, limited indoor capacity, PANDEMIC-LY MODIFIED Juke Joint Festival.
TOO MANY RULES FOR YOU? Then, please wait till 2022 (weekend of 4/23/22) to attend our nonprofit event. Our musicians, volunteers, businesses and community truly appreciate your thinking of us. Thanks. Y’all rock!
MORE DETAILS COMING on or around March 15th at