Sat., 9/22, 2018 — FREE!
Red’s Old-Timers Blues Festival
Clarksdale, Mississippi
MLK Park Stage on Sunflower Ave.
(just down the street from Red’s Lounge)
Red’s Old-Timers Blues Festival specializes in Mississippi blueslegends, 60 to 95 years old. On Saturday, September 22, 2018, attendeeswill enjoy FREE music all day on the Martin Luther King Park Stage,just down the street from Red’s Lounge in downtown Clarksdale. Red’sdream is to make this an annual event.
(all times approximate; line-up subject to change):
11AM – Henry “Gip” Gipson
NOON – Cadillac John Nolden
1PM – Frank “Guitar” Rimmer
2PM – Little Joe Ayers
3PM – R.L. Boyce
4PM – Stone Gas Band
5PM – Louis “Gearshifter” Youngblood
6PM – Big George Brock
7PM – Super Chikan & Fighting Cocks
Clarksdale, Mississippi‘s “King of the Juke Joint Runners,” Red Paden,has been operating jukes for most of his life. Before his current,world-famous venue — Red’s Lounge — he had the Tin Top and, for a while,ran another late-night joint called Red Wine.
As the decadeshave passed by, he’s watched many musical friends move up to the bigblues band in the sky. Today, even as he helps usher in a new generationof blues players, Red never forgets the blues heroes who came beforeand the handful of older players still among us.