INDIANOLA: BB King Museum w/After School Program start…

Indianola, Mississippi

APRIL 4 TO MAY 27, 2011 – B. B. King Museum announces after school program– students and teachers needed…  (Indianola, MS) The B.B. King Museumis seeking local students and teachers to participate in an excitingnew after school program. This healthy lifestyles program for age groups6 – 9, 10 – 12 and 13 – 15 provides a great opportunity for studentsinterested in music, dance, writing and/or visual arts. For students, noprior experience in the arts is required. Students will meet eachweekday afternoon from 3:30 p.m. – 6 p.m., beginning April 4 and runningthrough May 27.  Activities will include art, music, dance/creativemovement, gardening, cooking, nutrition, field trips and much more.Interested teachers should submit a resume including references to CarolJackson, Education Coordinator, by March 18. Cover letter shouldhighlight the area of expertise or experience related to camp subjects.Materials may be submitted by email, mail or in person. Interviews willbe conducted. Inquiring parents and children may contact the B.B. KingMuseum directly by phone or email. There is no cost to attend this campbut daily attendance is required. Slots are limited, and the camp willfill up fast, so we’ll look forward to hearing from you soon.  

For more information, please contact:
Carol Holmes-Jackson, Education Coordinator
400 Second Street
Indianola, MS 38751
662-887-9539  Ext. 222

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