8th Annual Mississippi Delta Regional Blues Challenge – 2011
This is the BIG ONE for North Mississippi and the Delta! Past winnersand participants have included David Lee Durham, LC Ulmer, Eden Brent,Homemade Jam, Mark “Mule Man” Massey and other blues recording artists. This year, the event (formerly held on a single Saturday in Oct/Novmoves to two Sundays, so that the competition doesn’t conflict with theDelta’s working musicians’ gig schedules. Amazing homegrown, Deltablues talent… at a well-organized event… that feeds into theInternational Blues Challenge (IBC) in Memphis early in 2012. Comesupport your friends and neighbors… and hear the future of Mississippiblues!
– Sunday, October 16th at The Blue Biscuit, across from the BB King Museum – SOLO-DUO Competition.
– Sunday, October 23rd at da’ House of Khafe, downtown Indianola – BAND Competition.
Times – TBA
MORE INFORMATION – http://www.indianolablues.org