Dorothy Moore benefit for needy blues musicians
Dorothy Moore leads a fundraiser to benefit needy blues musicians. Again she has partnered with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and theCentral MS Blues Society. Donations can be made at Blue Monday at Haland Mal’s, Jackson, MS, on November 22nd and 29th, 7-11:30 pm.
For each dollar given Thrivent Financial will give a dollar. The goalfor local funds is $2500. If reached, a contribution will be made of$5000 to the Blues Foundation/HART fund by the Central MS Chapter ofThrivent Financial. This is the fourth year Moore has sponsored thisdrive. The Handy Artists Relief Trust (HART) fund is a project of theBlues Foundation based in Memphis TN. Each year Dorothy has led thefund drive to benefit Mississippi musicians with payments to providersof health and medical needs for persons who are not covered.
All organizations involved in this project are not-for-profit. Learnmore about them online at, and
Donations can be made by check payable to Central MS Chapter/Thrivent; (please indicate Central MS Blues Society at the bottom of your check). An acknowledgement of your donation will be available upon request. Ifyou cannot make the Blue Monday events checks can be mailed to
Marcia Weaver
att: HART Fund
55 Nelson Circle
Jackson MS 39212
For information 601-372-8851