5 p.m. July 29 in Nitta Yuma, Mississippi: the dedication and celebration of Bo Carter’s grave marker!
BoCarter was one of the pre-eminent blues artists of the 1930s, one ofthe most interesting and creative of all American musicians, and mypersonal favorite and biggest influence. I perform and teach his music,and wrote my master’s thesis on him.
Bornin 1892, Bo Carter died in 1964 and is finally getting a marker on hisgrave. The Mt. Zion Memorial Fund raised the funds to clean up theabandoned cemetery, secure public access to it, and buy and place themarker.
Henry Phelps, who owns much ofthe land around the cemetery, is turning this event into a towncelebration, and is inviting us all to the party after the dedication.
Steve Cheseboroughwill speak about Carter at the event, and play a few of his songs — onhis guitar! I have talked to the owner of that instrument, a NationalStyle N, and he is bringing it. Also on hand will be the violinallegedly played by Bo Carter’s brother, fiddler Lonnie Chatmon, on therecordings of the Mississippi Sheiks, the Chatmon family band! (BoCarter’s original name was Armenter Chatmon. He, Lonnie Chatmon, SamChatmon and their ten other siblings all were musical, as were theirparents.)
There will be several other musical acts on the program, including Steve Cheseborough, Andy Cohen, Moses Crouch, and the Jake Leg Stompers.
Steve Cheseborough will also perform 7:15-8:15 p.m. July 31at Hal & Mal’s, Jackson, followed by the Central Mississippi BluesSociety band. There will be lots of Bo Carter material in his show there!