DEEP DELTA FESTIVAL, Rolling Fork on April, 9th….from 10am til 3pm.
Blues music, food & crafts.
AlongHighway 61, the Blues Highway , just about half-way between Clevelandand Vicksburg , lies Rolling Fork, Mississippi birthplace of MuddyWaters, the father of the Blues. The 2011 Deep Delta Festival will takeplace behind the courthouse near the “Muddy Waters Blues Cabin”. From 10- 3there will be live blues music, good food and arts & craftsvendors. The 5K run/walk will begin at 8:00 a.m. Come join the fun!
2011Musical lineup includes: Smiley and the Young Guns, King Edward, BigJoe Shelton, The Greyhounds, Tea & Sympathy. Bring your lawnchairsand enjoy a day of Blues and Barbecue!